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Gerir Ficheiros
Laboratory of Electronic and Optoelectronic Materials and Devices
FTIR -Thermo Nicolet 6700
Lab 0.7
Hugo Águas
Allows the determination of the molecular groups of all organic materials, and many inorganic materials. Works on transmission mode or reflection mode. Spectral range: 350 - 7400 cm
Materials for Electronics, Optoelectronics and Nanotechnologies (MEON)
Soft and Biofunctional Materials Group (SBMG)
Structural Materials (SM)
3D Printer - Form 2
3D Printer - Ultimaker2+
AFM - Asylum MFP3D
Clean Room - Yellow zone
Confocal Microscope – Zeiss LSM 700
Contact angle - Dataphysics OCA15plus
Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) – AvidNano W130i
Electrical conductivity system - Cryostat Biorad CS8900
Film Applicator –BYK Gardner
FTIR -Thermo Nicolet 6700
Hall effect - BioRad HL5500
Inkjet printer - PixDro LP50
Kelvin Probe - Ambient KP5000 KP Technology
Laser System PLS6MW: Cutting and Engraving Machine
Laser System VLS3.50: Cutting and Engraving Machine
LED Solar Simulator LSH-7320
LED Solar Simulator VeraSol LSH-7520
Luminescence Spectrometer - Perkin Elmer LS55
Micro Plate Reader
Optical Microscope – Olympus BX51
Optical Stereo Microscope - Leica M80
Plasma Treatment - Buck Technologien
Potentiostat - Gamry Reference 600
Profilometer - Ambios XP-Plus 200 Stylus
Profilometer - Dektak 3
Quantum Efficiency Measurement - QUANTX-300
Raman Microscope – Renishaw Qontor
Resistivity Measurement - Four Point Probe
SEM - Hitachi TM 3030Plus Tabletop
SEM-FIB – Zeiss Auriga CrossBeam Workstation
Semiconductor parameter analyzers
Sonicator - UP400S
Spectral Response and Quantum efficiency Measurement - System
Spectrometer UV-VIS - Ocean optics HR4000
Spectrometer UV-Vis-NIR - Perkin Elmer Lambda 950
Spectrometer UV-Vis-NIR - Shimadzu UV 3101pc
Spectroscopic Ellipsometer - Horiba-Jobin Yvon
Sputtering system - Home made
Sun Simulator - SPI 240A
TGA-DSC - STA 449 F3 Jupiter
Thermal Cycler - Biorad T100
UV lamp (Far UV) – Hamamatsu L11798
Viscometer - Brookfield CAP 2000+
Xplore Micro Compounder 5
X-ray and Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS/UPS)
X-ray diffraction - PANalytical XPert PRO
3D Printer - Form 2
3D Printer - Ultimaker2+
AFM - Asylum MFP3D
Clean Room - Yellow zone
Confocal Microscope – Zeiss LSM 700
Contact angle - Dataphysics OCA15plus
Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) – AvidNano W130i
Electrical conductivity system - Cryostat Biorad CS8900
Film Applicator –BYK Gardner
FTIR -Thermo Nicolet 6700
Hall effect - BioRad HL5500
Inkjet printer - PixDro LP50
Kelvin Probe - Ambient KP5000 KP Technology
Laser System PLS6MW: Cutting and Engraving Machine
Laser System VLS3.50: Cutting and Engraving Machine
LED Solar Simulator LSH-7320
LED Solar Simulator VeraSol LSH-7520
Luminescence Spectrometer - Perkin Elmer LS55
Micro Plate Reader
Optical Microscope – Olympus BX51
Optical Stereo Microscope - Leica M80
Plasma Treatment - Buck Technologien
Potentiostat - Gamry Reference 600
Profilometer - Ambios XP-Plus 200 Stylus
Profilometer - Dektak 3
Quantum Efficiency Measurement - QUANTX-300
Raman Microscope – Renishaw Qontor
Resistivity Measurement - Four Point Probe
SEM - Hitachi TM 3030Plus Tabletop
SEM-FIB – Zeiss Auriga CrossBeam Workstation
Semiconductor parameter analyzers
Sonicator - UP400S
Spectral Response and Quantum efficiency Measurement - System
Spectrometer UV-VIS - Ocean optics HR4000
Spectrometer UV-Vis-NIR - Perkin Elmer Lambda 950
Spectrometer UV-Vis-NIR - Shimadzu UV 3101pc
Spectroscopic Ellipsometer - Horiba-Jobin Yvon
Sputtering system - Home made
Sun Simulator - SPI 240A
TGA-DSC - STA 449 F3 Jupiter
Thermal Cycler - Biorad T100
UV lamp (Far UV) – Hamamatsu L11798
Viscometer - Brookfield CAP 2000+
Xplore Micro Compounder 5
X-ray and Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS/UPS)
X-ray diffraction - PANalytical XPert PRO