Location: Lab 03 CENIMAT
Responsible: João Pedro Veiga Sequential X-Ray Fluorescence spectrometer with Wavelength Dispersion separation (WDXRF) PANalytical – Axios 4.0
Wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (WDXRF) is a non destructive analytical technique used to identify and determine the concentrations of elements present in solid, powdered and liquid samples. Capable of measuring chemical elements at trace levels often below ppm and up to 100%. Wide application in industry and research due to high accuracy and reproducibility.
- Rhodium X-ray tube (20,21 keV).
- Conditions are optimized for elements to be measured (up to 4 kW).
- Analyzing crystals: LiF220, LiF200, Ge, PE, PX1 – for the separation of fluorescent X-ray peaks covering all measurable range.
- Sample preparation: Little or no special preparation although materials should be presented in homogeneous and reproducible form. If adequate in size and with a flat surface samples can me measured as they are.