GrindoSonic® MK5i

Location: Lab 104 DCM
Responsible: Regina Monteiro
GrindoSonic instruments are designed for measuring elastic materials characteristics. The non-destructive nature of the test and the speed and ease of the operation allow any number of repeat measurements to be made on one test object and/or to follow the components material characteristics through its useful life.
-    Frequency Range: 20 Hz – 100 kHz
-    Accuracy and stability: better than 0.005%
-    Modes of vibration detection:  Flexural Vibration, Torsional Vibration, Longitudinal Vibration
-    Test object specifications:  E-Modulus range from < 100 MPa to > 850 GPa; Weight from < 0.5 g to > 1000 kg
-    Geometries for E-modulus  calculation: bar shaped, rectangular cross section; bar shaped, round cross section (cylinder); discs
-    Display modes: Frequency F (Hz – kHz), Time T (µs – ms), Classic Reading R - identical to MK3/MK4 instruments