Gas Displacement Pycnometry System

Location: Lab 104 DCM
Responsible: Regina Monteiro
Gas pycnometry is recognized as one of the most reliable techniques for obtaining true, absolute, skeletal, and apparent volume and density. This technique is non-destructive as it uses the gas displacement method to measure volume. Inert gases, such as helium, are used as the displacement medium. Density calculations using the gas displacement method are much more accurate and reproducible than the traditional Archimedes water displacement method. The AccuPyc 1330 Pycnometers is fast, fully automatic pycnometer that provide high-speed, high-precision volume measurements and true density calculations on a wide variety of powders.
-    Sample Volume: 0.5 - 100 mL
-    Speed of analysis, accuracy, repeatability, and reproducibility
-    Measurement gas: Helium