1500 publications in international peer reviewed journals, some of them published in SCIENCE, NATURE PHYSICS, CHEMICAL REVIEWS, PROGRESS IN MATERIALS SCIENCE, ADVANCED MATERIALS and ACS NANO;
i3N has an accumulated h-index of 71 (since 2007), with a number of citations of 41 238 and 30 089 citing articles (@WoS, Oct 2020);
A high number of books/book chapters (60) of international distribution and book editions;
From 2015 to 2019 the number of publications increased 10%;
62% of all i3N publications are with international collaborations from 51 countries;
A high number of granted patents special international ones with well recognized companies like SAMSUNG, YDREAMS, ETRI/LG, THE NAVIGATOR COMPANY. Moreover, we also have international patents involving other RTO, such as ETRI (Korea) and University of Bologna (Italy);
In terms of projects, i3N always applied for projects (national and international) with competitive funding, and the research team rose around 51 M€ in 2015-19 period (FCT + EC+ Industry). Highly competitive EC+Industry projects correspond to 80% of i3N funding;
6 ERCs granted to i3N researchers (2 AdG, 1 CoG, 2 StG & 1PoC) with the amount of 8.8 M€ (see pag. 41);
The funding of i3N through the Pluriannual Programme and Strategic Project of FCT corresponds to 20% of the total funding of the research institute.
This seed-funding scheme is of vital importance for the development of the R&D activities of i3N, which was able to leverage this more than 5 times by other competitive funding. This was indeed recognized by FCT in the form of a “top-up funding” as a measure to stimulate international competitiveness of researchers working in Portugal and of national institutions, in particular the one that results in attracting international funding.
i3N adopted a well-defined strategy for scientific collaborations at international level. i3N researchers participated periodically, as contributors or invited/plenary speakers in top-level international conferences and workshops.
Furthermore, i3N members organized a significant number of conferences/workshops, from which we would like to highlight 1 Nature workshop; 4 E-MRS conferences; 2 IUMRS conferences, 1 World Materials Summit and 4 workshops in the European Parliament with scientists and science policy makers. The international conference Materials 2019, hold in Portugal and devoted to Functional Materials, Structural Materials and Materials Processing.
A noteworthy contribution was given to education and training through 41 PhD thesis and more than 350 MSc thesis finished in the last 5 years.
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