Tânia Sofia dos Santos Vieira

Assistant Researcher
Soft and biofunctional materials group
249 – Ed I 240- Ed I ts.vieira@fct.unl.pt


Tânia Vieira has a bachelor’s and master’s degree in biomedical sciences from the University of Beira Interior. She has a PhD in Bioengineering, completed in December 2017, from NOVA School of Sciences & Technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. She was also a visiting PhD student at the IEM - Prague, Czech Republic. Her main scientific research interests are related to the production and characterization of scaffolds for application in skin tissue engineering and the mechanisms behind cells-scaffolds interaction. She is also investigating how to modulate the response of immune cells using biomaterials.


Tânia Vieira, Jorge Carvalho Silva, A.M. Botelho do Rego, João P. Borges and Célia Henriques (2019), “Electrospun biodegradable chitosan based-poly(urethane urea) scaffolds for soft tissue engineering”, Materials Science and Engineering: C 103: 109819.

Tânia Vieira, Jorge Carvalho Silva, João P. Borges and Célia Henriques (2018), “Synthesis, electrospinning and in vitro test of a new biodegradable gelatin-based poly(ester urethane urea) for soft tissue engineering”, European Polymer Journal 103: 271-281.
