Sofia Pereira Serrano

PhD student
Structural Materials


Sofia Serrano is a PhD student in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, specialising in Conservation Sciences, at FCT NOVA, with a scholarship funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT - 2023.00354.BD). In 2022, she defended her Master's thesis entitled "Study of gold alloy productions from the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age: technologies and goldwork" with a grade of 19/20. She is currently developing projects related to archaeometallurgy and conservation sciences, with affiliation to CENIMAT/i3N, FCT NOVA, Portugal. She is part of the research team for the Gold.PT project (2022.02608.PTDC). Her area of specialisation is the study of Bronze Age to Iron Age goldwork, with a focus on analysis by digital optical microscopy, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and digital image processing.


Serrano, S., Rodrigues, A., Silva, R. J. C., & Figueiredo, E. (2023). Study of an Iron Age Gilded Silver Earring by XRF, SEM-EDS and Multifocus OM. Heritage, 6(5), 4187–4201.

Serrano, S. (2022). Study of gold alloy productions from Late Bronze Age and Iron Age masterThesis].