Rui Borges has a PhD in Portuguese silver alloys from the 15th to 17th centuries. His interests focus mainly on the knowledge of ancient metals: Research and characterization of heritage and cultural materials; Archaeometallurgy studies; Research into production technologies and their relationship with ancient sources of raw materials; Provenance studies and identification of ancient production centers; and Diagnosis and conservation of metal objects.
The most recent work contributes to the study of Portuguese monetary silver alloys from the Age of Discovery.
Borges, R., Silva, R., Alves, L., Araújo, M., Candeias, A., Corregidor, V., Vieira, J., 2018. European Silver Sources from the 15th to the 17th Century: The Influx of “New World” Silver in Portuguese Currency. Heritage 1(2), 453-467;
Borges, R., Alves, L., Silva, R.J.C., Araújo, M.F., Candeias, A., Corregidor, V., Valério, P., Barrulas, P., 2017. Investigation of surface silver enrichment in ancient high silver alloys by PIXE, EDXRF, LA-ICP-MS and SEM-EDS, Microchemical Journal 131, 103-111,
Borges, R., Tissot, I., Seruya, A.I., Silva, R.J.C., Fragoso, S., Maduro, B., Pais, A., 2008. Gilding and silvering surface decoration techniques, and copper provenance studies of the tomb of D. Afonso of Portugal (15th century), X-Ray Spectrometry 37, 338-345,