Ivan Miranda Santos

PhD student
Materials for Electronics, Optoelectronics and Nanotechnologies
Open Space 2.1.3 (CEMOP) Clean Room (Production Zone) imi.santos@campus.fct.unl.pt


Ivan Santos currently holds the position of PhD student of nanomaterials and nanoscience in Cenimat/i3N. He achieved the top ranking in the PhD scholarships proposal within the Micro and Nano Engineering panel. He earned his Master's Degree in Materials Engineering in 2022 from Nova School of Science and Technology (UNL/FCT), where he was distinguished as the best student in 2022/2023. His master's thesis, titled 'Light Management in Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells with Photonic Nanocoatings,' performed in collaboration with other national (FCUL, Lisbon) and foreign (ISC Konstanz, Germany) R&D centers with top expertise in Silicon-based PV, showcased groundbreaking in the efficiency of high-performing c-Si solar cells. His master's thesis work earned him a perfect score of 20/20. He recently gained the 1st honorable mention by OE (Ordem dos Engenheiros) of Portugal.

These significant results led to the submission of a high-impact manuscript, published in the esteemed journal 'Advanced Optical Materials.' In his current Research Fellowship at CENIMAT/i3N, Santos continues to expand his research experience in the simulation, fabrication, and characterization of wave-optical light-trapping structures for spacecrafts powering systems.

In addition to his academic achievements, Santos has also gained expertise in various industrial sectors, including aeronautics and space. He contributed to vibration tests in a clean room facility for components destined for Portugal-made Satellites (PoSats) under the INFANTE project.

