Francisco Manuel Braz Fernandes

Associate Professor with Aggregation
Structural Materials
DCM: 208-II


Academic Degrees: - July 1976 – Mechanical Engineering, 14 val. - I.S.T. / UTL, Lisbon. - July 1982 - Diplôme d'Études Aproffondies (D.E.A.) de Métallurgie Spéciale, classif. "Assez Bien" - I.N.S.T.N. (Saclay), University of Paris XI (Orsay). - April 1985 - Thèse Doctorat I.N.P.L., (Nancy) (Spécialité Sciences et Génie des Matériaux), classif. "Très Honorable". - October 1985 - Equivalence PhD degree in Materials Engineering, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. - May 2008 – “Agregação” in Physical Metallurgy, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Scientific Interests: - Processing of metal alloys (ferrous alloys; shape memory alloys). - Phase transformations interactions (thermal / mechanical). - In situ structural characterization by X-Ray Diffraction.


“Effect of load cycling on the phase transformations in Ni–Ti wires for civil engineering applications”. M. Branco, L. Guerreiro, K.K. Mahesh, F.M. Braz Fernandes. Construction and Building Materials 36 (2012) pp. 508–519. “Graded transitions in Ni-Ti shape memory alloys processed by severe plastic deformation”.

C. M. Craciunescu, F. M. Braz Fernandes. Functional Materials Letters vol 5 4(2012) 1250049 (4 pgs). “Simultaneous probing of phase transformations in Ni-Ti thin film Shape Memory Alloy by synchrotron radiation-based X-ray diffraction and Electrical Resistivity”.

F.M. Braz Fernandes, K.K. Mahesh, R.M.S. Martins, R.J.C. Silva, C. Baehtz, J. von Borany. Materials Characterization 76(2013) pp. 35-38. DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2012.11.009. “The transformation behaviour of bulk nanostructured NiTi alloys”.

F. Neves, F.M. Braz Fernandes, I. Martins, J.B. Correia, M. Oliveira, E. Gaffet, T.-Y. Wang, M. Lattemann, J. Suffner, H. Hahn. Smart Materials and Structures 18 (2009) 115003 (9pp); doi:10.1088/0964-1726/18/11/115003. “Electric resistance variation of NiTi SMA wires in thermomechanical tests: Experiments and simulation”.

V. Novák, P. Šittner, G.N. Dayananda, F.M. Braz-Fernandes, K. K. Mahesh. Materials Science and Engineering A 481–482 (2008) pp. 127–133.“Study of the textural evolution in Ti-rich NiTi using synchrotron radiation”.

A.S. Paula, J.H.P.G. Canejo, K.K. Mahesh, R.J.C. Silva, F.M. Braz Fernandes, R.M.S. Martins, A.M.A. Cardoso, N. Schell. Nuclear Instruments & Methods Physics B 246 (2006) pp. 206-210 “Real-time and in-situ structural design of functional NiTi SMA thin films”.

N. Schell, R.M.S. Martins, F.M. Braz Fernandes. Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing, 81 (2005) pp. 1441-1445 “Mathematical model coupling phase transformation and temperature evolution during quenching of steels”.

F. M. Braz Fernandes, S. Denis, A. Simon. Materials Science and Technology 1/10 (1985) pp. 838-844 Books: “Laser welded NiTi. Correlation between mechanical cycling behavior and microstructure” (

J.P. Oliveira, F.M. Braz Fernandes, R.M. Miranda. LAP - Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, 2013. 86 pgs. ISBN 978-3-659-31719-4 . “Shape Memory Alloys- Processing, Characterization and Applications”, Edited by F. M. Braz Fernandes. ISBN 978-953-51-1084-2, InTech. Published on-line (, 03/04/2013, 278 pgs.
