Ana Cláudia Lourenço Santana Marques

Invited Assistant Professor
Materials for Electronics, Optoelectronics and Nanotechnologies
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Currently, I am an Assistant Professor at the Physics Department of FCUL, where I teach subjects related to materials science and condensed matter physics. Simultaneously, I conduct research in the Energy Materials Lab at CENIMAT/i3N alongside Prof. Isabel Ferreira. I manage Raman, AFM, and SNOM instruments for various R&D projects. I am also actively involved in several research activities related to: (i) development of fiber-shaped photo-storage devices (under the scope of the All-FiBRE project); (ii) development of 3D printed structures with thermoelectric properties; (iii) development of transparent semiconducting thermoelectric thin films; and (iv) preparation of photoluminescent nanoparticles.

In past years, I led a work package in the H2020 TransFlexTeg project focused on thermoelectric thin films and participated in the CapTherPV project (ERC Consolidator grant led by Prof. Isabel Ferreira) related to the development of organic solar cells and capacitors. At IST/CTN, I developed ion beam tomography and led an FCT R&D project on this topic (PTDC/FIS/115089/2009). 


Photothermoelectric AZO/SiO2/NiO Device, Catarina Bianchi, Ana Marques, Isabel Ferreira, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2300133, Abril 2023.


Electrospray Deposition of PEDOT: PSS on Carbon Yarn Electrodes for Solid-State Flexible Supercapacitors, MP Moniz, A Rafique, J Carmo, JP Oliveira, A Marques, IMM Ferreira, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15, 25, 30727–30741, 2023.


A facile blow spinning technique for green cellulose acetate/polystyrene composite separator for flexible energy storage devices, Amjid Rafique, Inês Sequeira, Ana Sofia Bento, Mariana Peyro Moniz, João Carmo, Eduardo Oliveira, João Pedro Oliveira, Ana Marques, Isabel Ferreira, Ana Catarina Baptista, Chemical Engineering Journal, 464, 142515, 2023.


Near Infrared Photothermoelectric Effect in Transparent AZO/ITO/Ag/ITO Thin Films, Catarina Bianchi, Ana Marques, Rui Silva, Tomas Calmeiro, Isabel Ferreira, Scientific Reports, 11(1)24313, 2021.
