Ana Catarina Rodrigues Trindade

Assistant Professor (Atlântica)
Soft and biofunctional materials group
DCM - Gab 223 DCM Lab 107D


Ana Catarina Rodrigues Trindade is currently an auxiliar professor at Atlântica - Instituto Universitário, a collaborative member of Soft and Complex Matter group at NTNU and a full member of Soft and Biofunctional Group at Cenimat-i3N.

She completed her Bachelor in Química Industrial in 1998 and her Master in Chemistry in 2000, both at Universidade da Beira Interior; and completed her doctorate in Materials Engineering in 2006 at Faculty of Sciences and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa , within sub-area of Materials Engineering - Polymeric and Mesomorphic Materials. 

Current research is focused on several aspects of the molecular, mesoscopic (nano and micro scale) and macroscopic properties and behavior of soft materials and complex fluids, mainly liquid crystals (LCs) and cellulose-based systems (CBS) and interested Organic synthesis of liquid crystals and cellulose derivatives. Preparation of micro and nano- membranes/wires/structures from liquid crystalline solutions, to originate high-added value materials. Mostly interested in the modification, preparation and characterization of cellulose micro/nano rods and much involved in the study of self-assembling, defects and photonic properties of LCs as well as CBS and cellulose nano rods.

She published 21 papers in journals of the ISI, and a book chapter. 

She is a reviewer for several Scientific Journals and guest editor of the special issue "Polymeric Liquid Crystalline Systems" in the Molecules Journal from MDPI (2021).  

She is a peer reviewer of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia. 

She is a founding member of the Fiscal Council of the Social Bodies of SPCL (Sociedade Portuguesa de Cristais Líquidos) and she is involved in the organization of the 2022 International Conference on Liquid Crystals, to be held in Lisbon (


Book  Chapter

Trindade, A.C.; Patrício, P.; Teixeira, P. I. C.; Godinho, M.H.. "Chapter 11. Wrinkling Labyrinth Patterns on Elastomeric Janus Particles". In Wrinkled Polymer Surfaces: Strategies, Methods and Applications, 253-273. Springer, 2019. 



Trindade, A.C.; Carreto, M.; Helgesen, G.; Knudsen, K.D.; Puchtler, F.; Breu, J.; Fernandes, S.N.; Godinho, M.H.; Fossum, J.-O.. "Photonic Composite Materials from Cellulose Nanorods and Clay Nanolayers". Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. 229 (2020): 2741-2755.

Trindade, A. C.; Almeida, A. P. C.; Canejo, João P.; Patrício, Pedro; Pieranski, Pawel; Godinho, Maria H.. "Elastomeric patterns probed by a nematic liquid crystal". Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 657 1 (2017): 136-146.

Reis, Dennys; Trindade, Ana C.; Godinho, Maria Helena; Silva, Laura C.; do Carmo Gonçalves, Maria; Neto, Antônio M. Figueiredo. "Nanoscale Structure of Urethane/Urea Elastomeric Films". Brazilian Journal of Physics 47 1 (2017): 19-25.

Trindade, Ana Catarina; Craveiro, Rita; Almeida, Ana P.C.; Canejo, João P.; Paiva, Alexandre; Barreiros, Susana; Godinho, M. Helena. "Tuning surface wrinkles of Janus spheres in supercritical carbon dioxide". The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 120 (2017): 125-131.

Silva, Pedro E. S.; Trigueiros, Joao L.; Trindade, Ana C.; Simoes, Ricardo; Dias, Ricardo G.; Godinho, Maria Helena; de Abreu, Fernao Vistulo. "Perversions with a twist". Scientific Reports 6 1 (2016):

Trindade, A.C.; Patrício, P.; Teixeira, P.I.C.; Brogueira, P.; Godinho, M.H.. "Soft Janus, wrinkles and all". Europhysics News 47 1 (2016): 22-26.
