Univ. of San Martin (A. Dmitruk, gas sensors).
TUWIEN, (G. Popovic and W. Brener, inspection systems and assembling);
U. Leuven (P. Moldenaers, rheology of liquid-crystalline polymers).
USP (A. Andrade, F. Fonseca, energy and thin films; R. Faria, organic and inorganic semicondutors);
Instituto de Física, USP (E. Andreoli, charact. Of liotropic solutions) U. Campinas (A. Mamana, displays and transp. Conductive oxides),
U. Londrina (M. Simões, modelling of the behaviour of liquid crystalline elastomers).
Escola de Engenharia Industrial Metalúrgica de Volta Redonda – EEIMVR, Volta Redonda - Rio de Janeiro (Andersan dos Santos Paula; memory shape alloys)
Czech republic:
Instute of Physics – ASCR, Prague (P. Sittner; shape memory alloys)
Ecole Pol. Paris (Pere Rocca, I. Solomon, B. Equeur, devices, a/poly-Si:H);
IRESTE (A. Gollet, G. Turban, oxides);
Laboratoire d'Étude des Textures et Application aux Materiaux - LETAM, Metz, (A. Hazotte, Etienne Patoor; shape memory alloys)
LIMAT, École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Toulouse (Jacques Lacaze; cast irons, steels);
U. de Monpellier (J.F. Berret, rheology of mesomorph materials),
Nice (F. Fried, cellulosic materials),
Bordeaux and Strasburg (D. Guillon, the physics and chemistry of mesomorph mat.) ; École des Mines de Paris (ARMINES) (P. Navard, rheology and e rheo-optics of liquid-crystalline polymers)
Université de Bordeaux 1 (Gérard L. Vignoles, Laboratoire des Composites Thermostructuraux – microtomographic characterization of materials)
U. Freiburg (C. Schmidt, reology and e Reo-RMN; G. Kothe, RMN of liquid crystals and polymers liquid-crystallines);
U. Stutgard ( Schubert, a/micro Si and colour sensors),
U. Berlin (A. Nobel, charact. And A. Fuhs, energy).
FZD, Dresden (J.v. Borany; Structural characterization of thin films)
GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH, Hamburg (Norbert Schell; structural characterization by synchrotron radiation)
Un. Athens (L. Kalliveroussis, A. Zervos, energy);
Univ. de Patras, (D.J. Photinos, molecular theory of the liquid-crystalline phases).
Un. Eidhoven (G. Krosen, D.C. Shram, plasma technologies);
Un. Delft (M. Zemman, modelling); D
IMES (M. J.M.M. de Nijs, devices and charct.);
AKZO NOBEL (solar cells);
U. Utrecht (poly-Si).
Univ de Mangalore (J. Uchil; shape memory alloys)
Trinity College (I. Shvets, characterisation);
U. Trento (F. Pirri, thin films, nanodevices and characterisation);
SyncTrieste (F. De Bona, microfabrication and sensors);
ISPRA (H. Ossenbrik, energy and solar cells);
ANEL, (G. Piernazieja Izquerdo, energy);
U. Pádova, (A. Polimeno, numerical simulation in liquid-crystalline polymers),
Nápoles (N. Grizzuti, rheology of mesomorph materials and e P. Maffettone, computational molecular rheology),
Bologna (C. Sumonte, optoelectronic devices; C. Zannoni, computational molecular dynamic in liquid crystals),
Univ. Catania (L. Calgano, SiC),
Univ. Modena (C. Leonelli, Ceramics and glasses).
U. Nagoya, (Y. Yasuda, IUVSTA);
U. Kobe (A. Matsuda, a-Si:H).
Un. Bucharest ;
Un. Galati (Prof. V. Musat, preparation of thin films of oxide ceramics)
Univ. Targovistsh (energy)
Univ. Galati (Prof G. Gurau; severe plastic deformation; shape memory alloys)
Univ Timisoara ( National Institute of Research &Development Optoelectronics, Bucharest Romania: (M.Elisa, new glasses)
Univ. Esl. (M. Topic, M., F. Smole, J. Furlan, modelling characterization and colour sensors)
Universidad Complutense Madrid (A. Luque, M. Sala, energy);
Univ. Barcelona (E. Bertran and A. Jordi, filmes finos);
C. Microelectrónica, Barcelona and U. Barcelona (A. Fernandez, memory alloys,
U. Sevilha; U. Zaragoza (J.L. Serrano, synthesis of liquid crystals); ~
Escola Superior Gallecia (Fundação Convento da Orada, Electroactive materials)
Universitat de les Illes Balears - Departament de Física, Palma de Mallorca (Eduard Cesari; shape memory alloys)
Universidad de Cantabria, Espanha (A. Andrés, recycling of solid wastes)
Chalmers (K. Skarp, applications of mesomorph materials); KTH Electrum (Anders Hallen, SiC)
IMT (N. de Rooij, microelectronics and microfabrication);
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (J. van der Klink, Rheo-RMN of liquid crystalline polymers and C. Hollenstein plasma technologies).
U. Princeton (S. Wagner, a-Si),
U. Syracuse (E. Schiff, quasimorphous),
Oregon State Univeristy (J. Wager, transparent electronic).
U. Leisceter (D. Searl, a-Si:H);
U. Cambridge (J. Robertson, physics of semiconductors);
U. Leicester (E.A. Davis, amorphous semiconductors);
U. Newcastle (N. Pearsall, energy systems);
U. Leicester (L. Dissado, J. Fothergill, electrical ageing);
U. Leeds;
U. Bristol (R. Richardson, diffusion of neutrons in liquid crystal polymers),
U. Hull (J. Goodby, synthesis of liquid crystals)
U. Southampton (G. Luckhurst, , RMN and RPE of liquid crystals).