By decision of the Board of Directors, - Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT (“”) opens an international call to hire a PhD Researcher, with the internal reference “#NOVAID86”, under a unfixed term employment to conduct research activities in the field of Materials Engineering, Nanotechnology in the scope of the Project entitled “Engineering of Dual-stimuli REsponsive nanofibrous Magnetic Membranes” with reference PTDC/CTM-CTM/30623/2017, financed by “Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa, na componente FEDER” (ref. LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-30623) and by “Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.”.
1. Type of contract and applicable legislation
The hiring of the PhD Researcher shall be made by means of an Unfixed Term Employment Contract entered into in accordance with the Portuguese Labour Code approved by the Law no. 7/2009 of February 12th, as amended. The contract should have a forecasted duration of 22 months, and should not be extended further than the project duration. The contract should begin in November 1st, 2019.
The present hiring procedure is further governed inter alia by Decree-law no. 57/2016 of July 19th, as amended by the Law no. 57/2017 of August 29thand Regulatory decree no. 11-A/2017 of December 29th.
2. Main attributions and activities and exclusivity
The PhD Researcher will participate in all scientific research activities within the DREaMM project. These include processing the thermoresponsive polymer, production of composite membranes, and extensive characterization of the produced materials. Drug release studies from the obtained materials, as well as data treatment using mathematical models. Magnetic hyperthermia assays. Cell culture assays to evaluate cytotoxicity, adhesion and proliferation. Evaluation of the developed composite systems as dual-stimuli responsive membranes and as substrates for temperature-mediated cell detachment. The work plan will also include the functions: Supervision of junior researchers, MSc and PhD students; Preparation of scientific reports and papers; Contribute towards project dissemination and communication; Coordination and maintenance of laboratory infrastructure; Interact with national and international partners and active participation in obtaining funding for research projects.
The PhD Researcher shall fully devote the whole of his/her professional activity to, on an exclusive basis.
3. Place of work
The PhD Researcher’s working place shall be at the premises of Soft and Biofunctional Materials Group located in Materials Science Department and CENIMAT, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and he/she shall travel, in Portugal or abroad, as required by his/her attributions or as necessary for his/her activity.
4. Monthly remuneration
The PhD Researcher shall earn a monthly remuneration in the gross amount of €2.128,34 by reference to the 1st grade of the initial salary scale, pursuant to number 2 of Article 15 of Decree-Law no. 57/2016 of 19 July, as amended by Law no. 57/2017 of 29 August, and Regulatory Decree no. 11-A / 2017, of December 29.
5. Admission Requirements
Applicants to this call may be national, foreign or stateless candidates holding a PhD degree in the field of Materials Engineering, Nanotechnology, Chemistry, Pharmacy or similar areas, and complying with the following specific requirements:
a. Knowledge and experience in magnetic nanoparticles synthesis, functionalization and biomedical applications;
b. Experience in magnetic hyperthermia assays;
c. Experience in controlled drug delivery studies;
d. Fluent in English (written and spoken).
6. Evaluation of the Applications and Composition of the Jury
Applications shall be subject to evaluation by a jury that shall follow the procedure established in articles 13 and 14 (by virtue of article 19) of Decree-Law no. 57/2016 of 19 July, as amended by Law no. 57/2017 of 29 August.
Pursuant to Article 13 of Decree-Law no. 57/2016 the jury is composed of the following members:
- Chairwoman: Doutora Paula Soares
- Member: Professor Doutor João Paulo Borges;
- Member: Professor Doutor Jorge Carvalho Silva;
- Substitute Member: Professora Doutora Célia Henriques;
- Substitute Member: Professora Doutora Maria Helena Godinho.
7. Selection criteria
The selection of the successful candidate will be carried out through the evaluation of the scientific and curricular achievements as established by Decree-Law no. 57/2016 of 19 July, as amended by Law no. 57/2017 of 29 August and the selection criteria and their respective weighting shall be as follows:
a) Quality of CV and adequacy to the specificity of the targeted research area (60%);
b) Quality of the motivation letter and research statement (30%);
c) Quality of the Interview (10%).
The interview will be done only to the candidates with classification higher than 60% in the first two criteria.
8. Final Decision
The final deliberation of the jury shall be homologated by the ultimate governing body of that is also responsible for the decision of hiring.
The list of admitted and excluded candidates and the final list of classification will be publicised on the website of ( ) and sent by electronic mail with receipt of delivery to all candidates.
9. Submission of Applications
Applications must be submitted between 02/10/2019 and 15/10/2019 , by email addressed to and and containing a single PDF file with the following documents in English:
a) Complete CV (including email address and telephone number);
b) Motivation letter;
c) Research Statement;
d) Two reference letters with the contact details;
e) Copies of PhD, MSc and graduation certificates with classification.
In the E-mail subject please use the reference: PhD candidate to PTDC/CTM-REF/30623/2017 research position.
10. Non-discrimination and equal access policy actively promotes a non-discrimination and equal access policy, reason for which no candidate can be benefited, prejudiced or deprived of any duty, namely age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, religion or political beliefs.