1. Summary of the training actions
In the frame of BET-EU project (H2020-TWINN-2015, GA. nº692373) it is OPEN A CALL for 30 training positions to exploit the existing characterization and processing tools at UNINOVA, and CENIMAT/I3N, for slots of 15 days each, directed to Master and PhD students hosted in I3N-hub institutions, whose work plans are related with Advanced Functional Materials, Nanotechnologies, devices and systems related to them. Moreover, PhD students from the national PhD programme in Advanced Materials and Processing, AdvaMtech, will be also considered.
2. Training action description
Scientific area: Advanced Materials and Nanotechnologies
Processing and Characterization tools: 30 vacancies. The activities will take place in the period from 15th of September to 15th of December of 2016. Whenever justified the accommodation will be arranged and supported through BET-EU project.
b. Training in Characterization tools – SEM-FIB, XRD, AFM, FTIR, electrical measurements, other available tools (further information: http://www.cenimat.fct.unl.pt/)
Requirements: Master and PhD students in Materials Sciences, Micro and Nano-technologies, Physics, other related areas.
Methods of selection: The jury chaired by Professor Rodrigo Martins, and including other two researchers to be appointed by each institution involved (UNINOVA, and CENIMAT/I3N), will evaluate the proposal’s merit based on the following:
- One page motivation letter which should highlight the role and complementarity of this training program within the candidate's ongoing work;
- One page short CV.
Moreover, other information considered by the candidates as relevant may also be considered.
Deadline and submission: The submission is open from 15/06/2016 to 30/06/2016. The applications must be send by email to Info@bet-eu.eu. For further information, please contact Diana Gaspar (dgaspar@uninova.pt) or Info@bet-eu.eu