1 year postdoctoral position in multi-scale modelling of biopolymers/biomembranes
We are searching for a highly motivated and exceptional post-doc to push forward methodological development in multi-scale molecular dynamics simulations. The aim is to unify the multi scale atomistic/coarse-grained models for biological polymers with accurate electrostatics [1] as developed in the group of Prof. Michele Cascella (University of Oslo, Norway) with hybrid coarse-grained / mesoscale models [2] developed in the group of Prof. Giuseppe Milano (University of Salerno, Italy).
Possible applications are treatment of charged amphiphilic moieities, biological membranes, bacterial lipopolysaccharides and interactions with functionalised surfaces.
Applicants must hold a PhD degree or equivalent in Chemistry, Physics, Computer Sciences or other relevant disciplines. Proficiency in MD simulations and programming skills are required. A solid knowledge of analytical mechanics and statistical mechanics is desirable. Other qualifications taken in preferential consideration are knowledge of global optimization algorithms, and experience with high performance computing.
The position will be hosted by the University of Oslo and the Centre for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (CTCC). The employment contract is for one year, extendable in case additional funding is found.
The projects will potentially involve collaboration with Prof. Thereza Soares, University of Pernambuco, Refice, Brazil.
[1] Neri et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2005; Cascella et al. J. Chem Theory Comput. 2008; Alemani et al. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2010; Spiga et al. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013
[2] A. De Nicola et al. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2010; G. Milano et al. Physical Biology 2013
The work contract will follow standard employment rules at the University of Oslo, and the salary will be set according to the experience of the selected candidate.
Contact info:
Interested candidates should send an application letter to Prof. Michele Cascella (
michele.cascella@kjemi.uio.no) and Prof. Giuseppe Milano (
gmilano@unisa.it), adding their CV, the list of publications, and contacts of at least two reference people.